Don’t worry, we’re not intending to bother with the main mission right now. Anyhow, there are a number of easy-to-spot chests along the docks, containing an Ether , a Mana Tablet (doubles max MP - great for your Black Mage-in-training!), two Antidotes, two Eye Drops , and a Phoenix Down . There’s also a shop to the northwest of the main docks, though it’s basically the same as on the Celsius. There’s also a woman in this area who can let you play some minigame involving monkeys, although we need access to the woods for that which we won’t be doing just yet.
Anyway, go north to the residential portion of Kilika. Climb the stairs nearby and go left and into the house, the residence of Dona, one of the more antagonistic summoners Yuna met back in FFX. Speak with Dona, then get the 1,500 Gil from her house. Explore the rest of the district and you should find some more easy to find chests containing a Lunar Curtain, two Holy Waters, a Star Curtain , and a Light Curtain . In the southeastern corner of town, there is a person looking through a telescope; by looking at the construction through the telescope, you can later get the Invincible accessory. This may not seem like much, but this amazing accessory has the Break Damage Limit ability, so definitely consider it.
That’s about it, though … for now.
There are plenty of chests and goodies to find around the village so scour every corner!
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