Local Enemy Bestiary¶
Enemy Name | Notes |
Anole | Weakness to Ice |
Behemoth | Strong |
Gecko | Weakness to Ice |
Nashorn | None |
White Elemental | Weakness to Fire |
There isn’t much to say about hunting the treasures, really. If you come into the southern end of the area and walk along the linear path through the area, you should be fine. The first treasure is in the “Dome: Interior” area, and the last in the Great Hall. It is pretty easy to spot them, too.
As you go along, speak with Isaaru just outside of the Cloister in Trials. You’ll be given an objective to find the 24 monkeys and make 12 pairs of them. For the sake of simplifying this task (especially to FFX vets), we’ll call the first area with Isaaru Area 1, and then number them off thereafter through Area 6. (Area 1 = Cloister, Area 2 = large Cloister, Area 3 = under Cloister, Area 4 = Chamber, Area 5 = Great Hall, Area 6 = The Beyond.)
Pair | First in Pair | Location | Second in Pair | Location | Why they go together, for the curious |
#1 | Birch | Area 6 | Sequoia | Area 4 | Birch and sequoia are kinds of trees |
#2 | Spring | Area 5 | Autumn | Area 2 | The spring and autumnal equinoxes, for the seasons |
#3 | Dusky | Area 1 | Dawn | Area 6 | Times of day: dusk is sunset, and dawn is sunrise |
#4 | Rosemary | Area 5 | Thyme | Area 3 | Kinds of herbs |
#5 | Terran | Area 3 | Skye | Area 6 | Terran = Terra = Earth, Skye = Sky, so the earth and the sky |
#6 | Minni | Area 5 | Maxx | Area 3 | Mini and Max |
#7 | Summer | Area 4 | Winter | Area 1 | The summer and winter solstices, also for the seasons |
#8 | Peke | Area 3 | Valli | Area 4 | Peke = Peak, Valli = Valley, so peak and valley, which are topographical structures |
#9 | Canis | Area 5 | Felina | Area 1 | They’re Latin for dog and cat, respectively |
#10 | Arroh | Area 3 | Quivrr | Area 1 | Arroh = Arrow, Quivrr = Quiver; you put arrows in a quiver |
#11 | Golde | Area 4 | Sylva | Area 1 | Gold and Silver - the elements |
#12 | Luna | Area 1 | Sol | Area 5 | They’re the Latin names for the Moon and the Sun, respectively |
You must first find the monkey in love (left) and then their soulmate (right) to complete the union.
Opposites attract as they say. Anyway, you’ll get the Soul of Thamasa accessory after playing Cupid. That finishes this area, and all of the optional missiosn if you’ve been following this guide the whole time.
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