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Strategies for all difficulties¶
This level is not designed to challenge; it’s simply designed as a place to farm gold. An average run of the level will net you in excess of 100,000 gold – a princely sum – and it’s one of the easiest things you could imagine, as long as you don’t bring characters with weak Resistance with you…
You have ten characters and there are twelve “spaces”. Ergo it’s not entirely possible to plug the stage up. Best idea is to move near the bottlenecks and then plug them corresponding to where enemies are trying to move, while attacking with ranged fighters as much as possible.
The enemies in this stage will only try to run; they will not initiate an attack against you. Therefore if you’re trying to “maximise” a run you’re trying to interrupt their movement just as much as attacking them head on.
Either way it doesn’t matter much. You’ll earn a mountain of dough anyway, and you can re-run the level infinitely! There is some amusing dialogue here to experience, but only those who want to earn cash quickly will play it more than once.
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