(1 of 2)
Name | Class | Level | Items |
Walhart | Conqueror | 25 | Sol |
Strategies for all Difficulties¶
This is an open field battle – meaning all sides will probably be exposed, and you have to take extra caution as you move forward.
You can either split your forces into four groups (one goes east, one goes west, one goes north east, one goes north west) then reunite at the middle upper area to face the boss, or you can move as one large group and let the enemies come to you.
The forts on the map will be filled with reinforcements, so you can get to them and cover them so reinforcements can’t come, or be ready for them if you want the experience.
If playing Lunatic, a swarm of reinforcements will come on Turn 8. Walhart will warn of when the reinforcements come in anyway. This map is pretty straightforward, just stay on your toes and keep enemy weaknesses (most of them are weak to Hammers, minus Walhart whose skill negates this).
If you want to finish the map quickly, you can put someone in Walhart’s range to make him come to you. He’s pretty easy to finish off with a capable unit.
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