This page covers the process of starting a new game in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.
When starting a new game, you’ll be asked to select your preferred difficulty and various other settings.
If in doubt, pick Normal.
- Easy: What it says on the tin; for players who just want to enjoy the story.
- Normal: The standard difficulty for newcomers and intermediate players alike.
- Hard: The harder difficulty for those who want a challenge.
Game Mode¶
Classic is for those who want a tense experience.
- Casual: Characters who reach 0 HP come back for the next battle.
- Classic: Characters who reach 0 HP (Chapter 4 onwards) stay dead.
Play Style¶
This determines the frequency of in-game messages.
- Slow and Steady: Choose this to display all level ups, mission briefs and mid-battle tutorials.
- Quick and Efficient: Choose this to skip level ups and mission briefs. Only important tutorials will appear.
The game will give you on more confirmation of your choices, then you’ll be prompted to save somewhere.
You have 8 save slots to use, plus an auto-save slot. Which should be enough for most people. However, if you plan to play multiple routes, it can be a tight squeeze.
(1 of 2) Shez is a rookie mercenary who’s new to Three Hopes.
Shez is a rookie mercenary who’s new to Three Hopes. (left), Byleth is a feared mercenary, who also appears in Three Houses. (right)
Next, enjoy the cutscenes, then choose a name/gender for the protagonist, as well as the infamous “Ashen Demon”, aka Byleth, the protagonist of Fire Emblem Three Houses. You can’t magically change their names/gender afterwards, so take your time. We’ll keep them as “Shez” and “Byleth” for this guide.
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