This page will provide details for earning the “Dressed to Impress” achievement in Gotham Knights.
Crafted a legendary suit, melee weapon and ranged weapon to earn the “Dressed to Impress” achievement.
How to Earn the Dressed to Impress Achievement¶
To earn the Dressed to Impress achievement/trophy in Gotham Knights, you must “Craft a complete set of Legendary equipment (Suit, Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon)”. Legendary equipment is denoted by its yellow color, and typically has higher stats and more mod slots and passive stats as compared to more common gear.
In order to find the blueprints for legendary gear you’ll need to advance the main questline - if you’re early in the game, legendary blueprints simply will not drop. Once you reach Case 06, however, legendary blueprints will finally start to drop, and you can find them from pretty much any source of loot; defeat criminals during opportunistic crimes, premeditated crimes, loot chests, complete challenges, etc.
(1 of 4) Complete Case 06 and very high difficulty premeditated crimes will start appearing around Gotham City.
Where to Farm Legendary Blueprints and Salvage¶
That said, all sources of loot don’t have the same odds of bestowing legendary blueprints. The best way to obtain legendary blueprints is by completing very high difficulty premeditated crimes. The exact sort of premeditated crime or the enemies involved don’t matter, just check every premeditated crime on the map and defeat every enemy and loot every chest at very high difficulty crimes - they’ll all have a higher chance of dropping legendary items, to the point where you can expect a legendary blueprint to drop for every three such crimes you clear. It’s also worth checking NPC challenges and premeditated crimes of lower difficulties, as they can also yield legendary blueprints as rewards.
If you’re lucky you’ll get a suit, melee weapon and ranged weapon for your first three legendary blueprints, otherwise you’ll have to keep farming. Once you have one of each type of blueprint, you’ll need to return to the Belfry and craft one of each type of legendary gear. You will also need the appropriate salvage to craft this legendary gear, and in the case of Nth Metal, legendary-grade salvage, you can farm it the same way you farm legendary blueprints.
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