This page will detail how to start the Harley Quinn Case in Gotham Knights.
You’ll meet up with Harley inside Blackgate
As you progress through the main story, you will unlock some side missions that center around Batman’s foes. One such foe is Harley Quinn, who some might know as the right-hand woman of the Joker. Before you can even get on Harley Quinn’s Case, you will need to get past the first main story Case of the game. In fact, you will first meet Harley Quinn during Case 1.4 - Blackgate Blues. After completing that and heading back to the Belfry, you should be ready to go.
Harley Quinn 1.1 - Harley Returns¶
If you take a look at your map, you will see a crime in Robinson Park, in the North Gotham district. This one is a bit different, only in aesthetics, as it’s outlined in orange and not red. However, you should treat this just the same as the normal Premeditated Crimes. There will be three of these, with the first one being a Bomb Threat.
Citizen Chaos - Bomb Threat¶
(1 of 2) The location of the first crime on the map
The location of the first crime on the map (left), It might be best to do this one undetected (right)
If you’ve never done one of these crimes before, you will need to be extra careful, as it can be one of the more difficult ones. There will be some citizens with bombs strapped to them, with a bunch of goons patrolling the area. There will be two bonus objectives here, one for defeating all of the enemies, and another one for remaining undetected. The second one is key here, as if you alert any of the enemies, then they will start the timer of the bombs, giving you a time limit to quickly try to disarm the bombs. So, while being undetected is a bonus objective, it does make the crime a lot easier to do.
Citizen Chaos - Kidnapping in Progress¶
(1 of 2) The location of the second crime on the map
The location of the second crime on the map (left), Just beat up the Freaks to finish this crime (right)
The second crime will be west of the first one, in the Gotham Heights subdistrict. This one is a bit easier, since it just involves you defeating all of the enemies. There is a bonus here, for performing two Perfect Attacks, which might be tricky if you don’t know what it’s talking about for those. To learn more, visit the How to Perform a Perfect Attack page. After clearing out the enemies, you will need to go to the back of the truck and pick up the pill bottle to finish this crime.
Citizen Chaos - Armored Truck Robbery¶
(1 of 2) The location of the third crime on the map
The location of the third crime on the map (left), Again, all you have to do is beat up the Freaks here (right)
The third, and final, crime will be southeast of the previous one, still in the Gotham Heights subdistrict. The only thing you will need to do here is defeat all of the enemies again, with the bonus objective being to make sure none of the Freaks make off with the money. You can stick near the truck and attack any enemy that makes for it, if you wish to get the bonus. Once you’ve cleared all of the enemies, head to the back of the armored truck to find a business card.
With all three crimes over with, head back to the Belfry and speak with Alfred to finish this part of the case. To start the second part of the Harley case, go to the Case Files tab, highlight 1.2 and hold down the button on the right to launch it.
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