Mission: Give Me Liberty¶
Rewards: Jobs from Luigi Gortelli, Portland Hideout (Save Point)
After the initial cut-scenes, you’ll automatically receive your first mission, which requires that you drive 8-Ball to Hepburn Heights to get a change of clothing. This is a very simple mission, like many first ones. In fact, you aren’t even able to get wanted for a short amount of time.
Anyways, onto Hepburn Heights. Keep track of the radar in the corner of the screen, for that is how I determine cardinal directions (north, east, etc.). Get in the Kurama nearby by pressing Triangle and drive (X) forward and off of the bridge.
Turn left at the bottom and go along this road for a bit until you can’t go forward much more. Turn left and once you are near the grass, turn right and follow this road. Eventually, the pink dot on the map will be very close to you - the side alley is your destination. Pull into the blue marker.
Once you pull in, you’ll learn of save points and garages. Afterwards, you’ll re-enter the car. Go around the corner to find the next blue marker, which shows Luigi’s place. You’ll then get a mission that actually pays.
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