This page is a walkthrough for the Grand Theft Auto III Story Mission, Silence the Sneak. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to taking out Leon.
Speak with Ray to begin this mission.
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You’ll acquire $30,000 for completing this mission.
How to take out Leon McAffrey¶
Speak with Ray in the bathroom at Belleville Park and he requests you take down Leon McAffrey as he leaked information about his connections with the Yakuza. After the scene has come to a close, look for a quick vehicle such as the Cheetah, then go to Leon McAffrey’s Safehouse in Newport.
(1 of 2) Stand in this position and throw a grenade to cause Leon to flee
Stand in this position and throw a grenade to cause Leon to flee (left), then keep shooting his vehicle until it explodes. (right)
Upon arrival, line yourself up with the open window and stand a good distance away from it before holding R2/RT to throw the grenade into the building. If you miss, then adjust position by moving closer or further away. Once the building is on fire, Leon will escape out his garage in a Sentinel along with some Cops. Ignore them, then race after Leon whilst holding L2/LB to keep damaging his vehicle until it explodes.
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