Training with Tomcat earlier helped remind Henry about the importance of combos in combat (as well as teaching him the Mittelhaw combo), but there’s still more to learn. Prove your prowess to Tomcat and convince him to teach Henry the potent Masterstrike maneuver! This page will provide a walkthrough for the side quest Combat Training II in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Page Breakdown¶
Starting Combat Training II¶
This quest will begin as soon as you complete Combat Training I, where you’ll get a refresher on combos and learn the “Mittlehaw” combo. While you can start this quest immediately after your first training session with Tomcat, you must defeat Tomcat in a duel to earn this second training session, so depending on your gear and skills (or lack thereof) you may find your progress hindered.
This dueling session will use real weapons and armor, so this is a pure progression check. Tomcat isn’t a terribly strong opponent - we defeated him with two good hits on open areas at best, or two partially blocked combos at worst, albeit we had done a lot of running around and had much higher stats and better arms and armor than you’ll have fresh off the pillory. If you can’t beat Tomcat now, seek out and complete other quests, level some skills, kill bandits and steal their best gear, and buy new arms and armor from blacksmiths. Once you succeed in proving your mettle to Tomcat, the next bout of training will begin.
Defeat Tomcat is a proper duel - fully armed and armored - to advance this quest.
Learn Masterstrike from Tomcat¶
Your training session with Tomcat will begin as soon as you defeat him in a duel, and you’ll first be tasked with striking him from the right so he can show you a masterstrike in action. Afterwards it’ll be your turn - masterstrikes are simple enough of a concept to grasp, you need to keep your weapon in the opposite position of your enemy’s weapon, wait for them to attack, then instead of blocking when you see the green shield icon, attack. The risk is that you leave yourself open like this, so if you miss the enemy will have a clear shot at you opposite of your guard, but if you time things correctly you’ll counter the enemy and deal heavy damage. In the Trosky region this attack can single-handedly win you battles, but later on enemies will start feinting more, relegating the masterstrike back to a tool in your arsenal, rather than your go-to tactic to win every battle.
First things first, complete Tomcat’s masterstrike training by masterstriking when Tomcat attacks from above, then from the right, and finally from the left. Once that’s done you’ll move to freeform training where Tomcat will not tell you what direction he’s striking from - watch his weapon and move your own weapon to the opposite position and masterstrike when Tomcat attacks. Successfully do this three times and you’ll complete the training session and this quest.
(1 of 2) First Tomcat will demonstrate the masterstrike to you,
First Tomcat will demonstrate the masterstrike to you, (left), then he’ll have you practice it several different ways until you get the grasp of it. (right)
Afterwards Tomcat will give you a few parting verbal lessons before leaving the arena. You can still chat with Tomcat to get more practice, and he’ll still serve as a skill trainer in Swordsmanship, Heavy weapons, Polearms and Unarmed (Basic trainer in all but Unarmed, where he’s an Apprentice trainer). He can still also teach you the same three techniques you unlocked after competing Combat Training I: Knee Strike (Sword technique), Shield Deflect (Shield technique) and Hammer (Unarmed technique), too, but keep in mind that the skill and technique training both cost money.
In any event, that’ll all Tomcat has to teach you… now go out and abuse masterstrike against the hapless bandits infesting Trosky!
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