In Chapter 3 you’ll gain access to two regions north of Fushimi - Rakugai and Rakunai. New areas mean new stores, new restaurants, new minigames and, of course, new Substories. The “Ee Ja Nai Ka” craze is apparently not isolated to Fushimi, as you can find two new related Substories in these new northern regions. This page will provide a walkthrough for one of these new Substories, Substory 7 - Ee Ja Nai for Justice in Like a Dragon: Ishin!.
(1 of 2) Make your way to Shinmeicho in Rakuna,
Make your way to Shinmeicho in Rakuna, (left), where you’ll find another throng of dancing peasants. (right)
How to Start the Substory Ee Ja Nai for Justice in Like a Dragon: Ishin!¶
During Chapter 3, make your way to the Rakunai district and look for the fragmented Shinmeicho area - a street just west of the Shogi Parlor just off Shijo Street. Here you’ll find a mob of peasants dancing frivolously. Approach them and Substory 7 - Ee Ja Nai for Justice will automatically begin.
(1 of 3) A Corrupt Official will arrive to disperse the crowds, turning his violent intentions onto Ryoma when he intervenes.
How to Defeat the Ruffians During Substory Ee Ja Nai for Justice¶
When you approach the dancing peasants, Ryoma’s past experiences with this delinquent dancing fad will color his opinion of the dancers here, but before he can grab their attention, a Corrupt Official will arrive on the scene with his enforcers. There’s not much subtlety in this NPCs name, and it proves to be well-earned, as he reproaches the dancers not just for the frivolity of their means of protest, but also for the substance behind it. When he instructs his minions to dispatch the peasants for not being quiet, subservient chattel, Ryoma will step in, causing the Ruffians to turn their attentions - and swords - on him.
You’ll find yourself squaring off against three Ruffians, and unlike the random mobs you encounter on the streets, there’s no “weak” enemies here. All three have significant amounts of health, which covers somewhat for them otherwise being unremarkable fighters. They’ll fight the same as any other swordsmen, usually being pretty passive and taking turns to attack, allowing you to freely combo any one target of your choice with whatever combat style appeals to you the most.
Cut them down and after the fight the Corrupt Official’s courage will shamefully fail him. This doesn’t seem to have brought any long-term change to the peasant’s situation, but they’ll take the win for what it is and encourage Ryoma to celebrate with thim. The Ee Ja Nai Ka dance claims another victim, and Ryoma acknowledges that not all the dancers he encounters are just jumping in on a fad - some of them are actually using it to protest. You’ll earn 525 Virtue for completing this Substory, plus one of the peasants will give you a Tranquil Towel.
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