The main stories of the Like A Dragon games are pretty serious, in terms of tone. If you’re looking for more outlandish stories, then you need to look no further than the sidequests in these games, called Substories. You’ll find a list of all the Substories in Chapter 4 on this page.
(1 of 2) You will find a lot of animals as Substories in Chapter 4
You will find a lot of animals as Substories in Chapter 4 (left), Do them to unlock their bonds, which will eventually make them your pets (right)
Where to Find All Substories in Chapter 4¶
Similar to Chapter 3, Chapter 4 will offer a good number of Substories, spread across the different accessible areas. Note that you will need to progress through the main story, until you have access to your second home, which will unlock the Another Life portion of the game. To make things a little easier, it might be best to just
All Chapter 4 Substories in Rakunai¶
These are all of the Substories you will find in Rakunai, during Chapter 4. In order to do the Debt Collector Substory, you need to complete The Spitfire Town Protector first. Likewise, Lie Detector will follow the completion of Debt Collector.
No. | Substory | Location | Rewards |
13 | The Love-Starved Husband | On eastern shore of Teramachi | 150 Virtue |
14 | The Oblivious Woman | Right next to the palanquin | Vitality Pill, 150 Virtue |
16 | The Barking Dog | Teramachi; On street right next to pawn shop | 150 Virtue |
17 | The Lucky Cat | Karasuma Street; north end | 150 Virtue |
67 | The Spitfire Debt Collector | In front of Blacksmith | 3 ryo, 300 Virtue |
68 | The Spitfire Lie Detector | In front of Blacksmith | 3 ryo, 350 Virtue |
All Chapter 4 Substories in Rakugai¶
These are all of the Substories you will find in Rakugai, during Chapter 4.
No. | Substory | Location | Rewards |
27 | The Mysterious Merchant | West Umekojicho; Little hut just next to well in southern end | 2 ryo, 150 Virtue |
28 | The Hungry Cat | East Umekojicho; In between two rows of buildings there | 150 Virtue |
69 | The Spitfire Town Protector | Umekojicho; Just outside the Chicken Racing building | 3 ryo, 300 Virtue |
All Chapter 4 Substories in Mukugorai¶
These are all of the Substories you will find in Mukugorai, during Chapter 4.
No. | Substory | Location | Rewards |
35 | The Trash Dealer | Right next to the northern gate | 150 Virtue |
36 | The Injured Dog | To the east of northern gate; on northern end | 150 Virtue |
All Chapter 4 Substories in Fushimi¶
These are all of the Substories you will find in Fushimi, during Chapter 4.
No. | Substory | Location | Rewards |
54 | The Patient Dog | Yashikimachi; Just south of the dojo from start of game | 150 Virtue |
55 | The Filthy Cat | South Yashikimachi; On dock just southeast of palanquin | 150 Virtue |
All Chapter 4 Substories in Gion¶
These are all of the Substories you will find in Gion, during Chapter 4.
No. | Substory | Location | Rewards |
56 | Finders Weepers | Diary on ground next to gate in southeast | 350 Virtue |
58 | The Revolutionary Chef | Near brothel in northern end | 150 Virtue |
59 | The Sexy Madam | Standing next to a tree in southern end | 150 Virtue |
All Chapter 4 Substories in Mibu¶
These are all of the Substories you will find in Mibu, during Chapter 4. Note that Mama Ryoma cannot be started until you have completed Hope Blossoms Again.
No. | Substory | Location | Rewards |
61 | Hope Blossoms Again | Head to Shinsengumi HQ and take path to west of it to trigger scene | Double Worship Talisman, 350 Virtue |
64 | Mama Ryoma | Just northeast of palanquin | 350 Virtue |
66 | The Boy Who Loves Veggies | Close to the eastern exit | 150 Virtue |
All Chapter 4 Substories in Kiyomizudera¶
You will reach the path to Kiyomizudera during the tail end of Chapter 4, after the events at Teradaya inn. You have to go there to meet up with someone that asked for you, who happens to have a Tosa dialect. There’s only a single Substory here, which is fairly simple, as long as you bring along any kind of medicine (like an Ointment).
No. | Substory | Location | Rewards |
65 | The Amnesiac | On path to Kiyomizudera (hard to miss) | 150 Virtue |
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