This Assignment takes place during your first visit to the Citadel once you have met the council for the first time.
(1 of 2) Head to the Consort Chambers on the Presidium on the Citadel
Head to the Consort Chambers on the Presidium on the Citadel (left), Sha’ira will request your assistance. (right)
How to Begin¶
While you can technically begin this Assignment before going to the first Council meeting, you’ll need to head down to the Lower Wards as part of the Assignment so it’s better to wait until after you’ve had your first meeting. Upon speaking with people around the Presidium, you’ll keep hearing the Consort’s name popping up, curious to find out more, make your way to the southeast of the area to find the Consort Chambers, south across the bridge from the Embassy.
Once you attempt to enter, Nelyna will ask to know the reason of your visit and to see if she can book you appointment. After learning that there’s no reasonable time to see the Consort, attempt to leave and the Consort will request your presence. Head into the back room to speak with Sha’ira to learn that she requires your aid.
Speak with Gen. Septimus¶
You’ve learnt that General Septimus has taken to spreading vicious lies about the Consort down in Chora’s Den, a seedy bar found in the Lower Wards. Make your way down there and speak to him to get to the bottom of the matter, you’ll have a few options available to you here:
Both the Charm and Intimidate options will not result in Paragon/Renegade points.
- Saying “Straighten up.” (4 points of Charm) will appeal to Septimus’ honor and force him to rethink his actions.
- While saying “Get a grip.” (4 points of Intimidate) will force him to rethink his ways.
However you get General Septimus to rethink his actions, he’ll offer you another task, agree to begin the Assignment Xeltan’s Complaint.
Speak with Sha’ira¶
Whether you choose to resolve matters with Xeltan or not, return to the Consort Chambers and speak Sha’ira once more. You’ll get a number of choices which will impact the rewards you receive:
- When given the choice, choose “Glad to help.” to earn +2 Paragon.
- Alternatively, choose “Let’s talk payment.” to earn +2 Renegade.
(1 of 2) You can choose “That’s it?” to spend an intimate moment with Sha’ira
You can choose “That’s it?” to spend an intimate moment with Sha’ira (left), and you’ll obtain a Trinket if you completed Xeltan’s Complaint first. (right)
Following this, you’ll be given a Gift of Words, what she says is based on both your Pre-Service History and Psychological Profile while also being mentioned in Mass Effect 2. You’ll get some more choices available to you follow this exchange:
- Choosing either of the first two choices will complete the Assignment and you’ll receive your reward(s).
- Alternatively, choose “That’s it?” to spend some intimiate time alone with Sha’ira. This will not impact your rewards in any way.
Finally, you’ll obtain a Trinket if you completed Xeltan’s Complaint first, this can be used on the planet Eletania, found within the Attican Beta Cluster in the Hercules System.
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