This Assignment will be given on board the Normandy once your Renegade is at a specific level. It takes place on an Uncharted Planet that you must explore with the Mako.
(1 of 2) Once your Renegade meter is 80% full, Hackett will get in contact and offer this Assignment
Once your Renegade meter is 80% full, Hackett will get in contact and offer this Assignment (left), make your way to the planet Nonuel to begin. (right)
How to Begin¶
As you explore the Galaxy in Mass Effect, you’ll get the opportunity to choose your own responses to situations, granting Paragon or Renegade points at times. Once your Renegade reaches 80% full, you’ll get a transmission from Admiral Hackett the next time you travel to a new Cluster on the Galaxy Map. Should you have received the UNC: Besieged Base Assigment for a Paragon score of 80% instead, you’ll need to bring your Renegade to at least 90% to be offered the Assignment.
Meet Darius¶
Once you accept the Assignment, make your way to the Plutus system in the Hades Gamma Cluster and land on the planet Nonuel. Once planetside, make your way to the northeast to find the Warlord’s Outpost. There are two ways in which you can handle the Assignment, a direct firefight or a peaceful (but difficult to swallow) outcome, which way you go is dependent on your choices.
(1 of 2) Darius’ retainers are spread out around the facility, making this a tricky encounter
Darius’ retainers are spread out around the facility, making this a tricky encounter (left), if possible, aim for a peaceful resolution to this, no matter how hard it is. (right)
Once the negotiation begins, Darius always begins on the offensive and should you want to pursue a peaceful end, you’ll need to stick to the top right choices for Paragon based responses. If, however, you simply wish to get on with the firefight, keep selecting the bottom right (Renegade) responses and he’ll attack you. This can be a difficult battle on higher difficulty levels, among his retainers are three Krogans whol will immediately rush you so get in cover and use Biotics to disable them. Once they’re out of the picture, you can bide your time dealing with the other retainers.
Regardless of the outcome, you’ll need to return to Admiral Hackett to complete the Assignment. Be sure to loot the facility first and once you get your debriefing, you learn that you was originally sent down to eliminate him.
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