Lara’s Survival Instinct is a vision mode that you should be using extensively throughout the game. Similar to the special ‘Detective Mode’ in the Batman: Arkham games, ‘Eagle Vision’ in Assassin’s Creed or Geralt’s ‘Witcher Sense’ in the Witcher III: Wild Hunt, Survival Instinct will highlight objects and areas of interest in the environment.
Objects of interest will be highlighted in gold and In general the following are observable with Lara’s Survival Instincts active:
- Objective markers and waypoint markers.
- Enemies and Animals.
- Platforming elements in the environment such as scalable walls, tree branches, swing beams etc.
- Plants, Mushrooms and other lootable reagent holding objects.
- Quivers of arrows and boxes of ammunition.
- Collectibles including: Strongboxes, Documents, Relics and Murals.
Lootable objects and objectives will be highlighted with Survival Insinct active (left). Custom waypoints will appear in blue (right).
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