Objective: Find a way inside the cathedral¶
Find the ramp at the end of the platform and jump from this to the nearby swinging beam. Leap again from this into the opening ahead to slide down into a larger room.
Use the handholds and the scalable wall on the wall to the left of the bell to climb to the lip of the ledge above. Shimmy around to the left and when you reach the wooden fence, drop down to the handhold below. Work your way over to the platform on the left to reach solid ground.
Find the white wall by the edge of the platform to scramble up and climb on top of the wooden beam here. From the beam, look upwards and towards the far side of the room to see a series of wooden handholds (almost like a ladder…almost) leading upwards. Jump and use the axe grapple to grab the lower one. Climb to the top.
Enter the doorway for a cut-scene. During the cut-scene, you’ll be required to shoot a pair of yellow generators hanging from ropes. Do so to keep the cut-scene moving along.
Climb to the top of the cathedral’s interior (left). During the cut-scene, shoot the generators (right) to continue.
Objective: Find the Archives entrance¶
As soon as you regain control of Lara there will be a small crack in the wall ahead. Before heading through, turn around. Just behind the wall on the right there is a Document [01/05] . You can also use the beam jutting over the chasm here to reach a platform at the opposite end with a basket of Herbs . Return to the crack and proceed through to the next area.
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