For lots of information on how Skill Points work, make sure you read our introduction to Skill Points on the Combat Skills page above.
Here we will look at the last of the three Skill Point circles - containing the Body skills.
The Body Skill Points add some useful optional extras to your game.
Best Body Skill Points in Sniper Elite 5¶
To start unlocking skills in any circle, you need to first unlock the centre segment. From there you can then spin out to skills on the second inner circle, before finally unlocking those on the edges. You cannot unlock an outer circle skill, without first having unlocked the one leading to it.
In Body, the central skill you need to unlock first is Maintain Focus. Once you have unlocked this skill, the longer you are in focus, the longer it takes for the effects to wear off.
Now, once again, working clockwise around the circle outwards the skills to unlock are:
Focus Range¶
Increases the range your Focus is effective for. It can be useful, but we wouldn’t necessarily make adding this skill a priority.
Health Boost 1¶
Now this is one of the Skills you should look to add as earlier as you can in the game as it adds an extra Health segment which means you get to stay alive longer.
Speedy Recovery¶
Another important skill to add. Your health regen starts quicker once you have unlocked this.
Reduces the heart rate increase from sprinting. Handy if you are trying to run into position and need to take a sniped shot soon after.
Now, moving on to the outer circle from the top.
Focus Movement¶
This skill lets you move faster while in Focus mode.
Health Boost 2¶
Another one to add quicker, yet another segment to your health meter.
Heart rate is reduced when using a bandage or med kit.
Deep Breath¶
One for the snipers. Reduces the heart rate increase from using the Empty Lung technique.
Best Skills to choose in Body¶
Here, without a doubt we would quickly look to add the two extra Health bar segments, followed by speedy recovery. All three will just help you stay in the game that bit longer.
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