The option Wolf Mountain DLC brings with it a whole host of new collectables as you traverse the Alps trying to kill Hitler. As with all the other levels we have three Hidden Items to find so let’s see what we have going and where we can locate them.
Where to Find Hidden Items in Mission 10: Wolf Mountain¶
Two of the hidden items in this mission can be found close by, while the other involves a yomp to the far East of the map.The items here are interesting as they are all based around some of the things Hitler was actually up to Let’s get hunting.
Hidden Item 1 - Fuhrermuseum Concept Model¶
Everything else is hidden under blankets, except the er, hidden item. Weird.
Located upstairs in the Berghof, this model is a concept of what Hitler wanted to build back in Austria to commemorate all things Adolf after the war.
It can be found in a room upstairs where all the furniture is covered in dust blanks, placed on top of one of the covered objects.
Hidden Item 2 - Practice Pose Photography¶
This hidden item is located within the safe in Hitler’s quarters.
To locate this one you have to find Hitler’s quarters on the top floor of the Berghof. Inside is a safe which you can blow that will reveal this Hidden Item - a series of photographs showing Hitler practising his power poses ahead of his major speeches.
Hidden Item 3 - Possible Hitler Disguises¶
When you are inside the tea room look on the table at the edge of the room and you will locate it.
As the war was obviously drawing to its conclusion, the Nazi’s realised Hitler was going to have to make a run for it and the only he would get away was with a cunning disguise, and one that didn’t involve a tiny moustache.
The third hidden item is located on a table inside the tea house at the east of the map.You can also take Hitler out on one of his visits here, to save trekking there twice.
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