Item Checklist |
Life Bottle |
The game begins with a battle you are not intended to win, just test out the controls during some short scenes.
Fight the mysterious man and then meet up with the real life individual and make your first decision.
Ludger will wake up in his room and have to rush off to his entrance exam and the first of set of choices for will appear.
After making two choices, neither of which has an Affinity attached to them, you will gain your weapons and begin your exam, starting off with the Combat tutorial. Your objective is to beat the five required enemies and return to your brother, but first there are a few treasures to collect.
Take the north path and jump down and the end and head down the southeast path to the lower level. Turn left and follow the path to a Life Bottle and then backtrack to the west side for Orange Gel x2 . Directly north of the previous chest you should be able to crawl through a hole to reach a Melange Gel .
Grab the Orange Gel from the beach and the Melange Gel from the cave nearby.
Head back toward Julius’ location to the west, but make sure to take the south path for 500 Gald before returning to your brother with all the kills required.
I suggest you go ahead and save the woman yourself, after all you are the hero of the story, right?
Boss: ???
This boss is not difficult, provided you avoid its Thunder Breath attack and tail whip. Hold down L2 to free run away and around the beast and just block when needed while you focus your attack during its breath attack. Remember that you can drop it to the ground with a leg swipe of Artes to get long streams of combos in to take it down faster.
Avoid the boss’ Thunder Breath at all costs.
No matter if you win or lose, you will be destined to fail the test. After the “interesting’ cutscene that follows your failure you will see the intro video to the game full of familiar faces yet to come.
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