Item Checklist |
Dark Bottle x3 |
This area is very hard at your level, but if you set all 2 people to heal and 2 to combat, while using Linked Artes and knockdown skills effectively, you should be able to live through most of the battles and level up quickly.
On the 1F take the western offshoot to a circular room for Dark Bottle x3 and then head back north and check the glowing trees for Pebbles the cat. Continue northwest and jump down the ladder to zone to the B1F.
Grab the Dark Bottles in the dead end and then continue to find Pebbles in the glowing tree.
There is a north and south side to this area, with the west side continuing to a new zone. Start by checking the north path and hang a right to find a chest with Sage inside and then check the left side for Leather Boots x2 . Now head south and hang a left to climb up to the upper floor, where you’ll find 3000 Gald and a drop back down to quickly zone to the B2F.
This area is a circle, but it’s best to start by heading northeast and climbing the platforms in the north corner for Weird Fragment x3 . As you circle around you can climb up the platform and then turn right and hug the inner wall of the cave and climb more ledges to reach 3500 Gald . You can now continue west to reach the B3F level.
Deeper in the Abyss get the treasure on the B2F and then find Touche on the B3F.
The western part of this area will lead you down another level, so start by heading right to the northeast dead end and climb the platforms to find the cat Touche stranded on the high ledge. After gaining the cat and Touche’s Collar , head back the way you cam and go north this time.
At the split, take the northeast path to find a chest with a Round Starw Hat and then return to the split and head northwest. There are some platforms on the north side of the room, before you bend south, that you can climb you can reach 2500 Gald before you continue to the Depths.
The Depths seem pretty empty without a big ass boss to deal with at the bottom, but that’s okay because there is still a chest with 5500 Gald here that you’ll want to grab before leaving the dungeon.
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