The first thing you’ll want to do is check the roots to discover the Flowers of the Great Tree , followed by the Blossoming Flowers of the Great Tree . You can now speak with Lucas and rest at the Inn, since this will unlock some of the sub-events around town.
After the scene, check the save for another Lailah and Edna’s Skill Lecture: Bonus Skills and then leave the Inn. You can now head to the great tree and speak with Rohan for a scene to obtain Edna’s Sweet Girl: Alt. Color and Mikleo’s “Remedy Preparation” Support Talent.
Check the save for another skill lecture and then speak with Rohan for a scene.
If you head back toward the Inn you’ll trigger another scene and then have one last chance to speak with the members of the city and begin some sub-events. Notice some blue dots on the map or purple stars over certain individuals, well these indicate sub-event NPCs that you should talk to in order to begin or continue a sub-event.
The man next to Rohan and the child in the middle of town will speak about some shiny stone in the Bors Ruins, but ignore this for now.
The traveler near the center of town will mention that Neif may have info about Iris Gems, so head back to the great tree and speak to Neif to the south.
You’ll automatically return the Library Key to Neif, who gives you permission to take the Green Iris Gem: Eins from the Sanctuary. Head over to the Sanctuary and pick up the gem to automatically trigger a scene and the skit Watching the Earthen Historia - 1 .
Return the Library Key to Neif (left) and then check the save for a skit about Alisha and Maltran (right).
Make sure to check the save in the middle of town for the Thank You, Lord of the Land and Alisha and Maltran skits and then speak with Lucas for a scene and select “Yes”.
After the scene head to the save point for the skits The Way of the Sherherd and Lailah and Edna’s Skill Lecture: Elemental and then speak with the Sparrowfeathers standing nearby for another scene.
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