Boss: Cerberus¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
29,587 | Beast | Neutral | Fire, Water, Wind |
Drops: **Blessing Orb** |
Each head of Cerberus does a different elemental breath attacks, indicated by the color of the flames on its head, that it will spam throughout the fight.
Ignore the front of Cerberus and head straight for the side of the beast and unleash a round of martial artes and hidden artes that exploit the boss’ weakness to neutral attacks. Keep the boss staggered and your character away from his mouth and this fight will end quickly, especially if you dish out a Mystic Arte while he is stunned.
Attack Cerberus from the side and stack your attacks to increase your Power Hits combo to increase the damage multiplier.
Head straight for Gramps’ House in the village for a scene and then enter the house and walk to the shelf for the skit Gramps’ Letter . Grab Gramps’ Pipe off the shelf, so that you can enter Katz Korner, and head towards the village exit for a scene and then return to the nearby save for the skits Symonne’s Fear .
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