As you make your way through Yemen you’ll be able to pick up multiple treasures. The first is the Antique Cloak Clasp located at the bottom of the steps, before entering the first gate, to the left of the fruit stand. The second, the Silver Jambiya Dagger , is located at the bottom of the second set of stairs near a fountain in the market.
Get the treasure by the fruit stand (left) and the market fountain (right).
Continue until the cops block your path and then follow Elena to the second gate. Once open, head through to the abandoned shops and check next to the cactus for the Golden Yemeni Bracelet . More cops block your path, so use the nearby ladder to reach a red-carpted building and take the stairs up and turn around to find the Traditional Silver Bead near the far windows.
Continue to get the treasure by the abandon shops (left) and the second floor of the building (right).
After making your way up to the roof with a scenic view of the entire city and a unexpected guest. Jump across the gap to grab the railing on the other side and shimmy right to monkey bar across the outside of the building. Swing to the metal awning and then jump to a metal bar to swing over to the side of the building and shimmy right and drop to the pipe to ride it to the ground level. Enter the building behind Talbot for a scene.
After being throw out you’ll be in a market with a fish stand and multiple enemies. You need to try to use fish to hit the enemies for three successfully hits for a trophy.
After the brawl, follow Sully through the open gate and get the three treasure on the way. The first is located just after the crowd of people by hugging the wall to find the Amber and Silver Necklace in a small alcove. Continue down a set of stairs and instead of heading through the archway turn around and check the ground in front of the blue shop for the Kahraman Amber Necklace .
After the brawl get the treasure in the alcove on the right (left) and at the bottom of the stairs (right).
The Unusual Red Bead Necklace treasure is just up the ledge to the left of the previous one behind three boxes. You can now follow Sully to complete the chapter.
Climb the ledge for another treasure (left) and follow Sully to complete the chapter (right).
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