As soon as the chapter heading appears turn around and check under the spiral staircase for the Gold Cup from Ur . Continue outside and jump the gap by a waterfall, taking cover on the other side.
Get the treasure at the start of the chapter (left) and then proceed to take out Talbot’s men.
Take out the two men coming down the stairs before focusing on the snipers in the distance. As you head up the stairs more enemies will fire down, as well as an armored unit appearing from inside the tower. Enter the tower and make sure to take cover before you cross the bridge because there are numerous guys blocking your path. After clearing out all the men cross the bridges for a scene…What the hell?
After a revealing cutscene (left) head down the elevator for the final treasure (right).
Now that we know what happened to the city of brass, head back to the lever you passed before and use it to activate the elevator. Head down the sand into an area with water and a columned building and continue along the ground to the other side rather than going up the stairs for the final treasure in the game, the Golden Hittite Goddess .
Head up the stairs and into the next chamer with snake statues with the help of Sully. Take cover and kill the enemiy below and then hop down and focus youf fire on the stairs. You’ll want to save the heavy weapons like the Tau Sniper and M32-Hammer for the snipers, although the G-MAL’s scope makes it a good backup.
Continue down the stairs and throw some grenades, if you don’t have the M32-Hammer, to deal with the armored unit and then focus your fire on the RPG to your left. Watch out as you enter the building, as there is more snipers and RPGs on the other side of the building, and then hop off the bridge to the right to continue into a tunnel with more enemies on the other side.
Deal with the enemies until you come across Marlowe and Talbot.
After reaching the air canisters use the levers and then head for the central cistern for a scene. After spoiling Marlowe’s plans you’ll need to get yourself out of there.
Talbot’s men aren’t gonna let you go that easy and you’ll need to fight your way out. The first guy you’ll want to take care of is the man on the roof with a M32- Hammer and then kill the guy directly in front of you for his T-Bolt Rifle. With the rifle you can shoot the men upstairs and then focus on the armored unit heading your way. If you have the M32-Hammer still or the Tau Sniper both work nice.
Keep going until you ride the elevator up and deal with the enemies before you climb up the ladder. You need to use the ledges on the other side of the tower to shimmy around and ride the buckets up the tower, where you’ll need to deal with more enemies. Circle around to the other side and ride the buckets up again and climb the ladder, dealing with more enemies. One more staircase up and you’ll be back at a spiral staircase, but so will Marlowe and Talbot.
After encountering Marlowe and Talbot you’ll need to escape the crumbling city.
After the scene you’ll find yourself heading up the spiral staircase as the city crumbles beneath you. Follow Sully from one platform to another until you run into Talbot again. Like the great Uncharted games of the past it comes down to a fist fight…or sort of. When you fall off the ledge, climb to the top and aim for Talbot. DON’T conserve ammo and just get a clean shot and spray him with all your bullets.
Save Sully and defeat Talbot (left) to escape the city and complete the game.
Now depending on what difficulty you played on you will unlock one or more trophies, the difficulty you played on and all those below it. In addition, if you played on Hard you will now unlock Crushing difficulty.
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