This is a guide for the “Uniting the Seven Nopon” quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Where to find all 5 Nopon required for the quest.
“Uniting the Seven Nopon” is an endgame quest that unlocks the ability to upgrade your Blades using the odd shaped shards you’ve collected across Aionios.
How to Start “Uniting the Seven Nopon”¶
(1 of 2) Chat to Samon at Sentridge Harbor Control.
Chat to Samon at Sentridge Harbor Control. (left), Now to search the whole of Aionios for the other six legendary Nopon. (right)
You can begin this quest by speaking to Samon after obtaining the Bravery during Chapter 7, right before entering the final dungeon. Samon will be at the Sentridge Harbor Control room.
How to Complete “Uniting the Seven Nopon”¶
This is an annoying quest because you’re tasked with finding 5 Nopon, but none of them have quest markers. Your only clue is that they’re carrying fancy-looking hammers, like what Samon is wearing on his back.
Location of all 5 Nopon¶
(1 of 5) Panepane: At Hillside Ferronis Hulk, after saving him in the Eagus Wilderness.
Nopon | Location |
Panepane | Hillside Ferronis Hulk in the Aetia Region, after completing the Collapsed Traderpon quest. |
Burrburr | Sage’s Domicile in the Fornis Region. Must go through Milio Trick Caverns. |
Gingin | Gingin’s Treehouse in Low Maktha Wildwood. |
Tempapa | North side of Daedal Island in the Cadensia Region. Must complete Riku & Manana’s Ascension Quest, Culinary Repertoire |
Fixifixi | Li Garte Prison Camp. Must speak to him with Valdi. To re-enter the prison camp, you must complete the In Search of a Home quest, which is tied to recruiting Segiri. |
After Finding all 5 Nopon¶
(1 of 2) Discuss the “Seven Nopon” topic at a rest area.
Discuss the “Seven Nopon” topic at a rest area. (left), Then retrieve the Ultimate Hammer from Colony 9. (right)
Once you’ve spoken to all 5 Nopon, you should have all 5 pieces of the “Seven Nopon” Info Fragment. Now discuss the corresponding topic at a rest area. This will reveal the identity of the remaining Nopon.
Return to Colony 9 and pick up the Ultimate Hammer in the building opposite the Colony 9 Barracks. That’s every-Nopon accounted for. Head for Samon’s workshop in the City, west from the Michiba Canteen and report the quest.
This will unlock the ability to upgrade your Blades by speaking to Samon.
Quest Reward¶
EXP | Gold | SP | Rewards |
4,290 | 1,180 | 3 | Nopon Coin (Silver) x8 |
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