This page offers a guide on how to complete the Off-Seeing Customs standard quest in Colony Tau in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
How to Start Off-Seeing Customs¶
To unlock this quest, you’ll need to first listen to information provided by Cardamine, found near the Colony Tau Canteen. After that, discuss ‘Colony Tau’s Off-Seer’ at a rest point to begin the quest.
(1 of 2) Cardamine mentions that a lot of soldiers died nearby
Cardamine mentions that a lot of soldiers died nearby (left), you’ll be tasked with off-seeing them. (right)
How to Complete Off-Seeing Customs¶
First off, you’re going to need to locate the Soldier Husks that are in need of off-seeing. Head north from the Vista of Rhonnar Landmark and take the zipline over to the other edge. From there head to the right, past the Gogol enemy - you can either steer clear of him or stop for a quick fight! Take the stairs behind him all the way round and climb down the two sets of vines to find an alcove with the soldier husks…and a pack of hostile Volffs that you’ll need to fight before you can off-see the soldiers.
Take this route to get down to the soldiers.
As with most multiple enemy fights, you’ll want to make your party focus their attacks on one enemy at a time. There are 5 Luina Volff to fight and focusing on one at a time will help whittle them down and ensure your party isn’t spread too thinly fighting separate enemies. AOE attacks are also particularly useful against multiple enemies, and you’ll also want to utilise the Ouroboros form to perform the strongest AOE attacks in your arsenal.
(1 of 2) First fight off the Volffs
First fight off the Volffs (left), then send off the soldiers. (right)
Once they’re defeated, send-off the soldiers and watch a brief cut scene to finish up the quest. As well as earning 100 Colony Tau Affinity Points, you’ll earn the following:
EXP | Gold | SP | Rewards |
1670 EXP | 1120 G | 3 SP | Sapphire |
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