This page is a walkthrough for The Doomsday Heist Preparation Mission, Onboard Computer. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to successfully acquiring the module.
Overview of the Onboard Computer mission.
Shoot down a prototype Hydra and recover the enemy’s broadcast signal from the crash site.
Damage the Jet / Recover the module from the cockpit¶
Once you’ve started up the mission, take any car and head to Fort Zancudo to steal a jet. You won’t get the military on you as you’re on a mission. Upon acquiring the jet, fly over to the hydra which is marked on your map and use the jet’s machine guns to damage it.
(1 of 3) Head over to Fort Zancudo
After you’ve dealt enough damage to the jet, follow it to the crash site and then go to the cockpit to collect a module. Finally, return the module to your Facility quickly as you’ll be sending out a global signal.
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