This page is a walkthrough for the Los Santos Tuners DLC Auto Shop Setup mission, Defenses. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to successfully acquiring the Anti-Aircraft Trailer.
Overview of the Defenses mission.
Find equipment that will help defend against any retaliation from the Merryweather CEO.
Steal the Merryweather Armaments¶
Once you’ve activated the mission via the Job Board, open up your map and mark one of the three Armaments. As you arrive at the location, clear out the enemies, then steal the nearby vehicle which has a tow bar and hook it up to the Armaments.
(1 of 2) Head to one of the three armament locations
Head to one of the three armament locations (left), then use the vehicle nearby and hook it up to the tow bar which will allow you to drive it to Elysian Island. (right)
You’ll now want to drive it Elysian Island and store it in the warehouse ready for the heist. If you’re planning to play this heist with friends, then you can get up to three Armaments, but if you running solo you’ll only need one.
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