This page is a walkthrough for the Los Santos Tuners DLC Auto Shop Heist Mission, The Robbery. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to successfully acquire the gold.
Overview of the Union Depository Robbery Mission.
Break into the Union Depository Vault, steal the shipment of gold inside, and deliver it to the client.
Steal the Gold / Escape the Union Depository¶
Activate this mission from the setup board in your Auto Shop, then drive your vehicle to the marked parking lot on your mini-map. Hop into the Security Vehicle you acquired in the setup mission Elevator Key and drive into the Union Depository. Walk up to the elevator with all your weapons hidden and use your ID Pass to take the elevator down the vault location. Open it and steal the gold until your bag is full.
(1 of 2) Steal the gold in the vault until your bag is full
Steal the gold in the vault until your bag is full (left), then clear out the enemies before making a run to your escape vehicle. (right)
Take the elevator back up to the delivery spot and clear out the area, then equip a sniper and take down the enemies shooting you from the balcony across the road. Upon clearing the area, quickly sprint to your escape vehicle which is stored in the parking lot, then work on losing the cops before heading to the waypoint to bring this mission to a close.
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