Hogwarts Legacy certainly tests your detective skills, essentially leaving you on your own when it comes to finding out the mysteries of the castle. More specifically, there are a few different puzzles that you can uncover, with rewards waiting for you if you choose to complete them.
The one puzzle that we’ll be covering in this guide is the Viaduct Bridge Puzzle, one of three that contribute to the Hogwarts Secret Challenge. We’ll be showing you where to find this Viaduct Bridge Puzzle as well as all the steps to completing it so you can reveal what lies within.
Viaduct Bridge Puzzle Location¶
As alluded to by the name of this puzzle, you’re going to be looking out for a bridge within Hogwarts Castle.
The fastest way to get to the Viaduct Bridge Puzzle location is through using the Divination Classroom Floo Flame within The Library Annex so fast travel here as your first port of call. Once here, go down the staircases and into the main area.
The exit to the Viaduct Bridge puzzle
Now, head through the large double doors in front of you and you’ll be right at the Viaduct Bridge. This is the destination for the puzzle.
How To Complete Viaduct Bridge Puzzle¶
Now, for how to complete this Viaduct Bridge Puzzle, you’re going to have a much easier time of it compared to the other Hogwarts Secrets. This is because it’s a much simpler puzzle overall, only requiring you to use a spell on a piece of the world in a sequence.
The spell you’re going to need to use here is any form of fire spell such as Incendio or
Confringo so make sure you’ve got one of these unlocked and ready to use on your Spell Set.
Now, for the puzzle itself.
If you’ve approached the Bridge already, you will have been able to see various brazier’s along the stone railings. And if you haven’t guessed by now, these are what need to be ignited using a fire spell. Once you do so, you’ll have the option to interact with them.
As previously alluded to, these need to be set alight and then maneuvered in a set sequence to complete the puzzle. This is done through by interacting with them, changing the Roman numeral numbers inscribed upon them.
The correct sequence can actually be seen on a grate located at the start of the bridge so you could follow that to complete the puzzle successfully.
The Viaduct Bridge puzzle grate
However, we thought we’d make it even simpler for you and give you the correct order. The correct order is as follows:
1 - Triangle with six lines
2 - Double circle with line
3 - Triangle with circle and line
4 - Square with cross
(1 of 4) The first brazier that needs to be ignited
Once these have been lit in the correct order, the aforementioned grate will open, ready for you to traverse downward.
Here, you will find a total of three chests that you’re able to loot, all containing some nice rewards.
(1 of 3) The first Viaduct Bridge puzzle chest
Moreover, as this is one of three Hogwarts Secrets, you’ll make progress toward finishing the Challenges associated with them, unlocking further cosmetics such as the Secret Solver’s Bathing Costume,
Tailored Tailcoat, or
Fashionable Dress Robes.
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