There are 4 Merlin Trials for you to solve in Marunweem Lake. Completing these will increase your inventory capacity which is a necessity whilst exploring the Wizarding World, as you’ll be constantly picking new gear. Below you’ll find the necessary steps to find and complete all 4 Merlin Trials.
Marunweem Lake Merlin Trial Location #1 - Marunweem¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and jump across the platform. (right)
The first Marunweem Lake Merlin Trial can be found by going to the Marunweem Floo Flame and walking west towards a dock. Use Mallowsweet to begin the trial, then you’ll simply need to use
Revelio to highlight which platforms you need to step on, then simply run across without falling to complete it.
Marunweem Lake Merlin Trial Location #2 - Marunwwem Lake¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and guide the ball to the hole. (right)
The second Marunweem Lake Merlin Trial can be found by going to the ! Marunweem Lake Floo Flame and flying northeast to some ruins. Use Mallowsweet to begin the trial, then you’ll need to enter the ruins and use Wingardium Leviosa on the ball and bring it into the hole which is located on the opposite corner past the wooden bridge.
Marunweem Lake Merlin Trial Location #3 - Tower Tunnel¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and match the symbols. (right)
The third Marunweem Lake Merlin Trial can be found by going to the Tower Tunnel Floo Flame and flying northwest. Use Mallowsweet to begin the trial, then you’ll see three pillars scattered within the nearby ruins that contain symbols. Here you’ll want to cast Flipendo on them until both the bottom and top match.
Marunweem Lake Merlin Trial Location #4 - Marunweem Ruins¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and guide the butterflies to the pillars. (right)
The fourth Marunweem Lake Merlin Trial can be found by going to the Marunweem Ruins Floo Flame. Use Mallowsweet to begin the trial, then you’ll see three pillars with diamond shaped holes carved into them. Switch the game to night. then you’ll need to stand near the nearby Butterflies and cast
Lumos to cause them to follow you. Navigate them to the pillars which are scattered around the platform. Once all the pillars are lit, then the trial will be completed..
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