Once you have access to the skies, with Cetacea, you can visit a variety of Whale Way stations, which are shown on the world map with golden sparkles. Head to the Zwaardsrust Whale Way Station and land there. Near the start, after passing through a little archway, you should see a blue Tockle, so speak with it to get the pastword.
The Tockle is right past the beginning at Zwaardsrust Whale Way Station
You will appear inside of an inn, but before doing anything else, check the bookshelf on the right side to acquire a book called The Girl’s Own Annual. This is a book that can change a person’s personality, which is needed for Chateau Felix (Dusk). In order to complete this quest, you will need to have access to Gallopolis in the second portion of the game, which happens after completing the events at Havens Above in that section.
The book you need is in the Sultan’s bedchamber in Gallopolis
Speak to Patth, who is the blue-haired NPC behind the counter on the left, who mentions to come behind the counter and speak to her. Her friend, Erinn, seems to need a little bit of motivation, so she asks you to find a book, giving you the quest, Innfinite Potential. Once you have access to Gallopis, head into the palace and enter the Sultan’s bedchamber, which is the one to the left of the stairs leading to the throne. Look on the left side of his actual bed to find a golden sparkle, so grab it to get To Be a King. When you have this item, bring it back to Patty at Quester’s Rest to finish the quest, earning yourself a Sainted Soma.
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