After saving Sniflheim from its icy doom, you will be able to fully explore the town. Head into the castle and go to the left to find a bedroom. Inside, you will see the purple Tockle in front of the mirror, who will give you the pastword for this area.
Look in the bedchambers to find the Tockle for this pastword
When you first enter this area, you will see two NPCs and a bunch of monsters on the outside platforms. Speak to the NPC in the middle to learn of their problem, giving you the quest, Rebirth Rebuffed. The fiend messing with their rebirth process is called the Revivalist and is looking for something called the Lyre of Ire. If you recall from earlier, the Lyre of Ire was the object of attention in Galenholm’s chapter of the Tickington areas. Exit the Room of Revival and head on over to Galenholm. Go to the inn and speak to the old man in the back to find the Revivalist, which will trigger a boss fight.
BOSS - Revivalist¶
The very first thing that the Revivalist will do in the battle, even before you can act, is summon three enemies (Grublin, Merman and Kisser), then cast Kabuff and Magic Barrier on everyone. After doing this, the Revivalist will act twice per turn. The greatest threat here is definitely the boss, so you should try to concentrate all attacks on him until he is gone. If you feel like the damage is too high from the other enemies, then simply get rid of all but one. The Grublin seems to be the least worrisome, though, since it only appears to be able to attack one character, unlike the other two having party-wide attacks.
(1 of 2) The boss will summon monsters as his first set of actions
The boss will summon monsters as his first set of actions (left), then he will buff everyone with both Kabuff and Magic Barrier (right)
As for the Revivalist, he will sometimes waste a turn by “looking for a smile,” which is always nice for you. You might see the Revivalist use Underpants Dance, which can cause any characters affected by it to lose a turn. In addition to this, the only real attack the Revivalist has is Swoosh, which hits the entire party for around 60 or so damage. Needless to say, using Multiheal or Hustle Dance can easily counter any damage done by Swoosh. The only other skill in the boss’ arsenal is Oomph, which it will do to up its own attack.
Once you down the Revivalist, report back to the one NPC at the Room of Revival to finish the area and get your reward, a pair of All-Weather Earrings.
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