This is a very brief section involving two new characters: Vanille and Hope. The Datalog will be updated to reflect this and it’s worth checking out should you wish to learn more about the backstory of the game. It is updated periodically as you progress through the game and unlock more areas and meet new characters.
You may have also noticed your star rating after battles is frequently 5 stars. At this stage in the game, 5 stars is easy to obtain but as the enemies get stronger and new abilities become available to you, it becomes increasingly difficult to win with 5 stars. Boss enemies especially require complex knowledge and strategies if you wish to obtain 5 stars. Do not be discouraged though because that’s what we’re here for!
The Datalog gets updated after events (left) so check it often if you wish to learn more. Star ratings will be high at the start (right) but get harder to achieve the further you go.
Move to the destination marker and examine the nearby vehicle to complete the first chapter.
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