From the Save Station, dive down and confront the first lot of Cryohedrons then approach the Pulsework Centurions just behind them. These are just stronger versions of the Knights and Soldiers you have fought before so don’t worry too much about them.
4x Electrode and 4x Chobam Armor locations.
Proceed forward and you will come to a room with containers that can be searched. Examining these rewards you with 4x Electrode and 4x Chobam Armor . Another Centurion paces back and forth in this room and just a little further along the path are two Rust Puddings. Another Flan enemy, these ones are weak to Lightning but unlike some of their brethren, they cannot merge to form a stronger version, though a stronger version does exist as a standalone enemy; the Ferruginous Pudding. Cross the bridge and you will be treated to a cutscene with the rather unusual fal’Cie, Atomos.
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