As you turn the corner, you will find four Alraunes slithering around. They are not particularly threatening and are slightly stronger versions of the Noctilucales you’ve just fought. They’re weak to both Ice and Fire but absorb Water so simply use those spells and the Blitz attack to make short work of them.
A little further along, you will meet another member of the Flan family; the simple Flan. These little guys, like some other Flan-types, like to combine when low on HP to form the much larger, and stronger, Dire Flan. Fire spells are perfect to use against them. They absorb Lightning attacks and are immune to Water so avoid those.
Partisan weapon location (left). Sadly, Hope is not dead (right). Just kidding!
A mixed group of Alraunes and a Flan wait just a bit further on but these pose no real threat, even together. Carry on through the canyon and you will eventually see a single Dire Flan guarding a treasure. Destroy it then collect the Partisan (weapon for Fang which increases Strength by 50 and HP by 200 as passive) and proceed onwards.
Where could Hope be? More Flans and Alraunes litter the path before you but eventually you will reach the waypoint marker and find a very distressed Hope. Be prepared for another Eidolon battle and also make sure to restart it when it begins so you can sort out your Paradigms and Hope’s Crystarium. Equip Hope with an HP-raising accessory and buy some HP nodes in the Crystarium too. Then prepare the following Paradigms:
SYN/MED/SEN (default)
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