Cook these to temporarily increase your maximum hearts.
Years of going unpicked have allowed this hearty truffle to grow quite large. It’s chock- full of nutrients. When cooked into a dish, it temporarily increases your maximum hearts.
Raw Effect:
- Recovery: 3 hearts
Recipe Effect:
- Prefix: Hearty
- Potency: +4 additional hearts
- Recovery: All hearts
Mixed Effect:
- Recovery: +6 hearts
Where to Find¶
(1 of 4) Big Hearty Truffle locations in the Hebra Mountains.
Big Hearty Truffles are mainly found at Hebra Mountains and the Akkala region. If you need many truffles, we suggest trekking around the mountains; the ones in Akkala are often near tough enemies like Lynels.
(1 of 3) Elma Knolls is a nice safe spot.
Or if you only need a few of these truffles, you can find five around Elma Knolls, which is east from Serenne Stable.
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