(1 of 2) You will need to have fixed your Sheikah Slate at Hateno Village
You will need to have fixed your Sheikah Slate at Hateno Village (left), This Shrine Quest involves taking photos of Guardians (right)
Guardian Slideshow¶
Talk to Loone, a female NPC who is hugging an orb necessary for unlocking a Shrine in the pedestal nearby. You can see her specific location in the screenshots above. She is on the west end of Puffer Beach, south of Nette Plateau. You will want to have completed the main quest “Locked Mementos” or else you cannot do this Shrine Quest, since you will need the Sheikah Slate’s camera. Learn more about it here.
She won’t part with the orb unfortunately, but she will mention to you that she wants to see photos of Guardians. Specifically, you will have to take photos of a Guardian Stalker, a Flying Guardian, and a Guardian Scout. They can’t just be on your Hyrule Compedium either. They have to be in your Sheikah Slate’s album.
(1 of 2) We took this photo at a Shrine with a trial of strength
We took this photo at a Shrine with a trial of strength (left), This Guardian Stalker was found in the Hebra region, but it’s easier to find them elsewhere (right)
Guardian Stalkers and Flying Guardians are all over Hyrule Castle and the vicinity. You can also find Flying Guardians in the labyrinth in the Akkala region, as well as near the Spring of Power. Guardian Scouts can be found in many Shrines and all the Divine Beasts, if you haven’t done all the Divine Beasts yet. Guardian Scouts respawn in Shrines every Blood Moon, so the easiest way to grab a photo is to go to a Shrine that has a “Test of Strength” type trial and snap a pic (such as the Tena Ko’sah Shrine).
Once you have gotten photos of all the Guardians, return to Loone to show them to her and she will part with her orb. Place it in the nearby pedestal and you will unlock the Shoqa Tatone Shrine.
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