Katosa Aug Shrine is a puzzle shrine found in Akkala, right next to South Akkala Stables.
(1 of 2) Ze Kasho is found near South Akkala Stables
Ze Kasho is found near South Akkala Stables (left), and this shrine is focused on completing puzzles. (right)
Ze Kasho Apparatus¶
This Shrine has a series of puzzles that you’ll need to solve in order to complete the shrine. The first puzzle requires that you move all the spike pieces out of the center squares of the platform up ahead via motion controls, so that you can cross safely to the other side. You can do this by moving your controller/console from side to side until there is a clear pathway in the middle of the platform. Make sure to center the platform again before trying to cross it as you might have a tough time jumping up onto the other side.
At the next puzzle you’ll need to hit the orange crystal and when it turns blue you’ll have a short period of time to make your way across the path whilst the lasers are blocked by the moving blocks. You’ll probably only have time to cross to about half way, so you’ll need to either throw a bomb at the crystal or hit it with your bow and arrow. When it turns blue again, you can continue across to the other side.
(1 of 2) The first puzzle is completed by moving the spike squares using motion controls
The first puzzle is completed by moving the spike squares using motion controls (left), the second requires hitting the crystal to move the blocks so that the lasers are temporarily blocked. (right)
Ze Kasho Treasure¶
Before you head into the final room, you may want to grab the treasure chest on the platform on the right wall. First you’ll want to head over to the left side of the platform and then turn around and shoot at the crystal again. Then, you’ll notice a dark block moving up from beneath the pathway. You’ll need to quickly hop onto it before it stops just above the exit. From here you can hop and glide over to the platform with the treasure chest and retrieve the Silverscale Spear.
(1 of 2) Use the crystal to move a block up into the air and hop onto it
Use the crystal to move a block up into the air and hop onto it (left), so that you can then glide over and grab the Silverscale Spear. (right)
Once you’ve grabbed the treasure, head through into the final room and find the final puzzle. This one is pretty straight forward but might take a bit of trial and error to complete because the motion controls can be a little tricky to maneuver. All you have to do is put the three balls onto the three separate pressure plates by tilting and moving your console/controller. As soon as you’ve successfully placed the balls into the holes, the gate to the end of the shrine will open and you can collect your Spirit Orb to finish up the shrine.
(1 of 2) The final puzzle requires moving the balls onto the pressure plates
The final puzzle requires moving the balls onto the pressure plates (left), you’ll need to use the motion controls to do this! (right)
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