In Grantebridgescire, you’ll be able to collect two different Flying Paper Artifacts.
Flying Paper #1 - Grantebridge¶
This paper is located in the town of Grantebridge. You’ll need to follow the paper across the roof tops of buildings in the town. You’ll unlock a tattoo design called Skraelingi Emblem Scheme (Head).
(1 of 2) A Flying Paper can be found in the town of Grantebridge
A Flying Paper can be found in the town of Grantebridge (left), and you’ll need to run along the rooftops of the buildings to grab it. (right)
Flying Paper #2 - South of Duroliponte¶
This paper is located south of Duroliponte Synchronization Point. You’ll need to follow the paper across the walls and towers near Duroliponte ruins. You’ll unlock a tattoo design called Vestri Wind Scheme (Head).
(1 of 2) Flying Paper #2 is located south of Duroliponte point
Flying Paper #2 is located south of Duroliponte point (left), and you’ll need to traverse the ruined towers to grab the paper. (right)
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