This page details the answers to the flyting contest with Hertha the Very High in Jorvik, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Hertha the Very High, Jorvik.
Hertha the Very High can be found in the northeast of the city of Jorvik, just east of The Minster. You won’t be able to see her initially, but you’ll find a barrel with a jug, a bowl, and a candle on top of it. Interact with the barrel to begin the duel.
Jorvik - Flyting With Hertha the Very High Answers in AC Valhalla¶
Location | Reward |
Jorvik - Northeast Jorvik, east of The Minster | 400 silver (assuming you bet 200 silver); Charisma XP |
(1 of 2) The location of Hertha the Very High in the northeast of Jorvik.
The location of Hertha the Very High in the northeast of Jorvik. (left), Interact with the barrel to begin the flyting contest. (right)
Once you agree to Flyt with Hertha, you’ll have the opportunity to place one of the following bets:
- (Small bet) 100 silver
- (Medium bet) 150 silver
- (Big bet) 200 silver
If you should win, you’ll get double of whatever you bet. Since you’re following this guide, you might as well place a big bet of 200 silver for maximum gain. Follow the steps below for a successful outcome.
Hertha the Very High “I call down from on high, the full strength of the gods. To defeat all the stammerers, weaklings and frauds! And those men who approach, I make fools of them all…”
- “The one fool that I see here is up on that wall.”
Hertha the Very High “I am here in the clouds, while you crawl on the ground! Like a sad little worm, making a pitiful sound! And my height goes to show how above you I stand…”
- “Then enjoy while you can, a great fall is at hand.”
Hertha the Very High “I have every advantage, I see for an age! My words are my weapons, these ramparts my stage! What’s it like being tiny, an ant in the loam?”
- “What’s it like feigning hugeness? You’re naught but a gnome.”
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