This page offers a guide on how to complete and where to locate Miracle, a mystery located in Sciropescire, AC Valhalla.
Location: Miracle Mystery.
Find the Lame Man¶
When you reach the top of Titterstone Clee Hill, you’ll find a letter near the spring that reveals that it has magical healing powers. It then mentions a blind man and a lame man that could benefit from the miraculous spring.
The lame man can be found just off the path that heads down from the spring. After speaking to him, you’ll need to carry him up and place him in the spring.
(1 of 2) You’ll find the lame man just off of the path that heads down the hill
You’ll find the lame man just off of the path that heads down the hill (left), he’ll need you to carry him up the rest of the way. (right)
Find the Blind Man¶
Next, you’ll need to find the blind man. He can be found to the west of Titterstone Clee Hill, and you should be able to locate him easily if you just follow the path down the hill. You will need to lead the blind man back up the hill to the spring.
When both of the men are at the spring, they will discover that the spring has no healing powers, and they’ll end up forming an unlikely alliance - the blind man will carry the lame man and the lame man will serve as the blind man’s eyes. Upon watching a brief cutscene, the mystery will be completed.
(1 of 2) Find the blind man west of the spring
Find the blind man west of the spring (left), and then lead him up to bathe in the healing waters. (right)
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