This page details where to find all Cosmetic Schemes in Vangrinn, Svartalfheim, part of the Dawn of Ragnarok DLC in AC Valhalla. There are a total of 6 schemes to be found in the Vangrinn region: Alfheim Scheme (Arms), Ragnarok Scheme (Head), Rebirth Scheme (Torso), Vanaheim Scheme (Back), Vanaheim Scheme (Head), and Ragnarok Scheme (Arms).
Alfheim Scheme (Arms) - South of Eitri¶
The Alfheim Scheme (Arms) cosmetic can be found beneath the enormous dwarven statues, south of Eitri, as shown in the screenshot below. You’ll find a small camp here where the scheme is located.
(1 of 2) The location of the Alfheim Scheme (Arms), south of Eitri.
The location of the Alfheim Scheme (Arms), south of Eitri. (left), You’ll find the scheme at a small camp beneath the large dwarven statues. (right)
Ragnarok Scheme (Head) - West of Hodda Shelter¶
The Ragnarok Scheme (Head) can be found in some ruins located directly west of the Hodda Shelter in western Vangrinn, as shown in the screenshots below.
(1 of 2) The location of the ruins where the Ragnarok Scheme (Head) can be found.
The location of the ruins where the Ragnarok Scheme (Head) can be found. (left), You’ll find the scheme at the remains of a small camp within the ruins. (right)
Rebirth Scheme (Torso) - Dolgar Mylna¶
The Rebirth Scheme (Torso) can be found at the raid location of Dolgar Mylna, in northeast Vangrinn, just northwest of Eitri. You’ll find the scheme in a building in the northern part of the settlement. It’s a good idea to summon your Jomsvikings to raid this area if you haven’t already.
(1 of 3) The location of Dolgar Mylna in northeast Vangrinn.
Vanaheim Scheme (Back) - Drekathorp¶
The Vanaheim Scheme (Back) can be found in a house at Drekathorp, a small settlement located on an island in southern Vangrinn. You’ll need to loot a key to the house from a nearby enemy, so be sure to use Odin’s Sight to highlight their location. You can then open the front door to loot the treasures within.
(1 of 3) The location of Drekathorp, on an island in southern Vangrinn.
Vanaheim Scheme (Head) - Hreidmar’s Groft, West of Eitri¶
The Vanaheim Scheme (Head) can be found at Hreidmar’s Groft, an underground chamber located west of Eitri, as shown in the screenshot below. You’ll need to break an ice floor to enter the underground area, which you can identify by flying over with your raven (or using the Power of the Raven). Once inside, you’ll need to use the Power of Jotunheim or the Power of Muspelheim to navigate the lava pit and reach the scheme on the northeastern part of the chamber.
(1 of 3) The location of the Vanaheim Scheme (Head), west of Eitri.
Ragnarok Scheme (Arms) - Hvithus¶
The Ragnarok Scheme (Arms) can be found at Hvithus, located southwest of Eitri, or just northwest of the Hofgard Altar, as shown in the screenshot below.
The location of Hvithus, northwest of the Hofgard Altar in Vangrinn.
You’ll need to complete part of a light puzzle to access the scheme, which also forms part of the puzzle required to gain access to the Split Shot Book of Knowledge. You can see the gif below to learn how to complete the first phase of the light puzzle, granting access to the cosmetic scheme.
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