This page offers a guide on where to find all Weapons and Armor in Svaladal in the Dawn of Ragnarök DLC.
There are x3 pieces of armor to collect and x1 weapon in Svaladal.
Thorgrim’s Dying Breath Atgeir - Gapihus¶
This weapon can be found in Gapihus, a small ruined village near the river. Firstly, you’ll need to head over to the house with the balcony. When you’re nearby, dive under the water and locate the underwater entrance into the house. Once inside the house head up the stairs to find the key resting on some crates.
Head back outside once you’ve collected the key and head over to the second tallest (less sunken) house opposite. There’s an open window round the back of the house that you can climb up through. Then, use the key to unlock the door to the next room. From here, shoot down the hanging crates to open up a hole in the ground. This hole will drop you straight back into the water and you’ll find the chest containing the weapon just to the south.
(1 of 3) A weapon can be found in Gapihus.
Dwarven Blacksmith Cloak - Gullthorp¶
This armor is found in Gullthorp. First things first, activate the Power of Muspelheim and enter into the house covered in lava. Move the large rock over to beneath the ladder so you can climb up to the beams above. Up here, you’ll find the chest containing the Dwarven Blacksmith Cloak.
(1 of 2) The cloak can be found in Gullthorp
The cloak can be found in Gullthorp (left), locate the lava covered house and move the rock beneath the ladder to get to the platform above. (right)
Fire Giant Trousers - Horfinn-nama¶
This armor piece is found in the depths beneath Horfinn-nama. To get to the armor, you’ll need to use the Power of Muspelheim - if you haven’t already got it, there’s a few dead bodies you can obtain the power from. First off, you’ll need to head up the hill to the mine entrance. Use the Power of Muspelheim to walk on the lava and move the rock out of the way to reveal a crevice that you can pass through.
In this next area, you’ll need to pass through quickly to avoid being choked by the poisonous gas. Use your Odin’s Sight to locate the key beneath the water. Dive down, grab the key then continue swimming west to pop up into another area of the cave.
In this next area, you’ll need to use the Power of Muspelheim to reach the locked door. However, you probably don’t still have that active so you’ll need to head out the door to the right and exit the house to replenish your hugr at the hugr tree. Return back to the underground cave via the house and activate the power to unlock the door to a room where you’ll find the chest containing the Fire Giant trousers.
(1 of 4) This armor can be found in Horfinn-nama.
Dwarven Blacksmith Bracers - Fidsthorp¶
This armor can be found in Fidsthorp, and to access it you’ll need to solve a light projector puzzle. First off, climb up to the upper floor of the building via the balcony. Then, head inside and redirect the projector at the projector at the balcony.
Direct the balcony projector at the projector opposite, on the ruined wall. Next, shoot the fans on the wall projector so that the light beam hits the projector on the wall behind it. This will beam the light at the door, opening up the room where you’ll find the armor chest!
(1 of 3) This armor can be found in Fidsthorp.
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